
he is cranky all evening. she has a general idea as to why, but isn't going to provoke an argument by asking.

there's nothing on tv worth watching, but they watch something anyway, a movie. he's seen it before, she hasn't. by the end of it she's wishing she hadn't bothered.

she snuggles up to him, tries to gauge his mood. he's physically tense, not responding to her touch. after a minute or two he shrugs her off, says he's going to bed.

for the first time ever he doesn't say good night, doesn't kiss her, doesn't ask if she's coming to bed straight away or later.

she waits a good ten minutes to let him calm down, then creeps up the hallway. the light is off; no point trying to talk to him now.

she sleeps on the sofa. he doesn't wake her up, but she wakes anyway when he starts stomping around. she says good morning, but he only grunts.

she hides in the spare room, sitting in the corner opposite the door (which is not quite closed), glancing up at it frequently but mostly staring at her hands. after more than an hour there is a sharp knock.

he's going out, he says, because he doesn't want to be stuck with her all day.

he seems calm enough, but definitely not friendly. she asks for a kiss anyway. a little peck on the lips? yes, okay.

she goes outside to stand in the sunshine. cold and dark inside, warm and bright outside. she knows that if he leaves forever she is finished, she might as well die. she knows it's her pushing him away... and she doesn't want to push him away, but she still can't drag herself off this path of destruction.