
When she was nine or ten she began to wish (with all her being) that one day her parents would tell her she was adopted. (She did so loathe the idea of being related to them.) Unfortunately she could see that she was related (such resemblance to photos of them when they were young), so to give herself continued hope she decided that the physical features she had in common with them had been artificially created, and that she was in fact an alien who had been on assignment, observing the quaint little humans, but had somehow been left behind, and was now suffering withdrawal from her cultural norms.

How ironic, therefore, to discover (some two decades later), that she might indeed be descended from alien stock, if those theories about the Hungarians were true.

Note: The idea for this has been knocking around in my head for some time, basically since reading 'The Dreamland Chronicles' by David Darlington.