what to fear

She had bitten her nails for most of her life, so when she finally stopped she was plagued for years by dreams in which she had gnawed them all to the quick. No matter how many of these dreams she had, they always seemed real at the time, and the relief on waking was huge.

She had been a smoker for most of her adult life, so when she gave up the fags she had a rash of dreams in which she'd "forgotten" she'd quit and had gone and smoked a whole pack in an evening. The shame was overwhelming. She did eventually realise that the dreams came from an underlying fear that her resolve would fail (as it had so many times before). Some time after that they stopped.

Out of nowhere she started dreaming she was married and had cheated on her spouse. In one of these she had met three different men in the same pub in the same evening, and then had to explain to her husband why, when she herself wasn't sure if she'd actually been doing research for her thesis or something she shouldn't have been doing. And even on waking she'd be confused: Did that really happen? No, wait...

After a few too many of these dreams she went back to biting her nails.