2001 series 1 (part 2)

1.7 what she knows

She reads the mail and shakes her head: It's not like that. They're doing it all wrong.

She knows things she knows she's not supposed to know. She'd love to tell them all how it is she knows but there's just no way to get the words out of her mouth. Would they believe her anyway? No, more likely they'd think she was still living in her sister's shadow.

1.8 resistance

The 75-year-old man decided it was time his daughter learned an instrument.

"You will be able to impress your friends when you are older!" he insisted when she demurred.

The daughter had ugly visions of herself as some kind of Flying Nun character and shook her head. Her father really had no idea.

1.9 big bad wolf

He's the big bad wolf and she's the little pig who won't let him in.

He can huff and puff as much as he likes; she still won't let him in.

He nags about it quite a lot now. She's tired.

1.10 crackers

She shuts the back door and the next thing she knows she's in her room. She doesn't remember the inbetween and it disturbs her.

She eats rice crackers and drinks Bacardi even though it's not midday yet.

She watches herself working, seeing things taking shape.

She misses the cat which went under a truck.

1.11 smoker

Smoking is part of her image, of who she is.

She tells her friends when she's trying to give up.

She doesn't tell them when she starts again, just mentions it casually later, leaving them to wonder.

1.12 two women

Two women, each with a child.

Two women aged ten years apart.

Two women. Each has known the pain of losing a child.

Two women, each alone. The child of the younger knows its father well; the child of the elder knows its father not at all.

Two women, each estranged from her blood relations.

Two women, each crazy in her own way.

Two women who are friends.

For now.